Tuesday 25 October 2016

Hello students
Just a reminder, tomorrow is casual day!

For my grade 7 French

Today we saw the remaining final presentations of restaurant. You all did a great job. We also saw a video on a Michelin Star chef and how he started his restaurant. Today we look at four questions. Qu’es-ce que les mets du chef? Quand es-ce que le chef a commence sont carrier? Quelle sorte de restaurant a-t-il? Pourquoi es-ce que son restaurant est special? We will look into the response to the questions next class. No homework for today except for two students, you guys know what you must do.

For my grade 12 Math

NO test, due to the hard work you guys have done for the test question. You must still do the review especially number 9. It will be a good thing if you do question 9 from the review on a separate sheet of paper.

 For my grade 11 Physics

Today we worked on our lab, round two. It seemed that you guys had quite a bit of technical difficulties with the technologies. I am glad you guys overcame it. If you guys have any questions about the labs please let me know. I know this is going to be your first lab report with me, as a result I will keep that in mind when I correct it.

Have fun and love Math (French too)

Monday 24 October 2016

Hello students

Just a reminder, to everyone to bring their photo forms back.  Casual day will be on October 26th and picture day will be on the 27th, full uniform is required.

For my grade 12 Math

The test question is due first thing in class, no exception. I want a hard copy with all rough draft work stapled together. Treat this like a test. It is only one question after all.

For my grade 11 Math

Today we worked on radicals, and how they relate to exponential functions. Hopefully you guys will feel comfortable doing calculations with it. It will come up several times in your mathematical and academic careers.

For my grade 12 Physics

We are moving away from Newtonian physics and making our first steps towards relativity.  The perceptions of the observer has a great effect on the result of force and movements

Have fun and love Math (French too)

Sunday 23 October 2016

Hello students

Friday, our homeroom was victorious in our first homeroom challenge! Thanks to Audrey for winning the football throwing contest. I would like to think that it was fortune giving Purple the victory that we deserve with all the hard work we have done.

To my Grade 11s

You guys put a lot of work in the lab today. In spite of the confusing results, I hope your understanding of the Physics labs experience in the lab experiment, gives you a appreciation for the work that scientists do for a living.

To my Grade 12s

I have emailed the entire class the test question. I know it is going to take time to complete; however, I believe in your skills and patience to get it right. Good luck to you all.

To my Grade 7s

We are coming down to the end of our first unit with only two presentations left.  The next unit will be on mysteries. Your summative will be a play (see page 33). Further details will be discussed in class.

A few side notes
Rock band has started - I cannot be more excited. Good effort to our cross country team.

Have fun and love Math (French too)

Thursday 20 October 2016

Hello students

I hope all the students taking the literacy test feel some relief with the web site crashing. Be proud of the studying and preparation, and all of the work you have done. It was not for naught. Today I got a chance to be a gym teacher for part of the day, I hope the students enjoyed the manhunt game and western shout out game (It is not as bad as it sounds). Also tomorrow will be the first day of the rock band practice, please remember to bring your musical gear if you have it.

To my French grade 7

Tomorrow we will be doing the remainder of the presentations and reading more of Le Petit Prince, we will find out more about the Prince and where he come from.

To my Math grade 12

I will give you guys the big question. You will have the weekend to solve it all work must on or attach to the paper. DO NOT WRITE in pen. It must be in pencil. Good luck. Take your time and you will be successful.

 To Physics grade 12

We will go over elements of centripetal force and acceleration to better understand the next lab that awaits you - which will be your creation of the greatest Beyblade known to man.

Have fun and love Math (French too)

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Hello students

Today the Physics grade 12 students dropped some eggs of the roof of the school. They protected the eggs with various devices. They almost had a perfect run with 5 out of 6 devices working. Also parents please be aware that community service forms are going home please sign and return tomorrow.

Monday 17 October 2016

Hello Students

To my French students, good work today. Today we covered articles and expectations we have for your presentations that are due next class. I am very excited to see what you guys have created. We Read The Little Prince and talk about what happen in the second chapter. Here is where the prince wanted our pilot to draw him a sheep. Do you guys think it was clever how he was able to resolve the issue by drawing a box?

To my grade 11
Next class will be your first lab. Good luck. I hope you feel comfortable with lab reports. If you need any further explanation, feel free to ask tomorrow or in the lab. I want to make sure that you are clear on how to write one, because that is what I am grading you on as your summative for this unit
Good luck for the test tomorrow, you guys should be fine. You all know what to do. There will be no true or false or multiple chose on this so please make accommodations for your studies.

To my grade 12
We are going to work on factoring larger polynomial functions. This will take time and effort on your part. I will go over it as slowly as needed. There is lots of work that will be needed to do. We will go over it in great depth tomorrow.

Have fun and love Math.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Hello students
Today we went to the University of Waterloo. We did a few labs and a tour of the campus. We saw various rocks and minerals. We also checked out some fossils and a miner museum.  Here are a couple of photos.

Have fun and love Math

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Hello students

 I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Today we play against homeroom team red and lost. However, we gave it a good try and that’s all I can ask for.

For my Grade 11s

Today we worked on finding the zeroes in a parabolic graph, algebraically using all three versions of a quadratic equation. In Physics, we talked about objects being thrown in freefall.

For my Grade 12s

You guys worked on dividing polynomial numbers using the two methods available: long division and synthetic division.

For my Grade 7s

Today we worked on your summative projects.

Have fun and love Math

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Hey Students

Today was the first day of study hall. I have been talking to each of you on an individual basis about your progression. I sent an email to all of my homeroom students’ parents letting them know that I will be making phone calls about their progression in their classes. The Waterloo forms are due Friday, so please do not forget to bring them in as soon as possible.

To my grade 7 French

Today you guys worked on your final project. I was not impressed by the lack of work that was completed. Next class I expect more and I will be giving you your rubric. Dependent on how much work you get done will determine when the summative project is due.

Have fun and love math

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Hey Students

Just a reminder to the MYP, that the Waterloo trip forms are due. So please bring back the forms as soon as possible. We had our first Rock Band meeting today, I hope you had fun. We will announce future meetings at a later date, so please be patient while we work out the details. Tomorrow, during the lunch period we will need to see the drummers play.

For my grade 12 Physics

We went over Newton’s Laws and where his laws run into complications. We also worked on your summative project: the egg falling challenge.  

For my grade 12 Math
We went over several polynomial functions and saw how they are graphed. We discussed briefly about plans for the graduation trip. Please give it some thought and bring me your ideas - I will help you.

For my grade 11 Math

We worked on radical equations. We learned how to operate and calculate numerical problems with radicals in them. I know this is very new to you so please ask me if you have any questions.

Have fun and love Math!

Monday 3 October 2016

Hello students,

Just letting you know that there is a trip to Cuba. If you are interested in going please inform Ms Chin. You must be in grade 9 to 12, to go.

To my grade 7 French

For those that did not give in their homework, I expect better, you guys are no longer children. I will not chase you down for your work. Practice your French verbs and finish the two pages I gave you.

To my grade 12 Math

Remember that I will be picking up the question I gave you. I hope you guys have a better understanding on how to draw graphs from looking at equations.

To my grade 11 Physics

Today we work on parabolas, Figure out the maximum and minimum. We reviewed the test, I hope that cleared up a few questions.

Have fun and love Math!

Thursday 29 September 2016

Hello students,

I am very proud of everyone coming out to do the Terry Fox Run today! I hope you guys had fun running in the auditorium. Your motivation was inspiring, despite the rain.

To my Grade 7 French:
I expect you to finish the work that you started today for the next class. Please submit one copy per group at the beginning of class. I will not accept any work afterwards.

To my Grade 11 Physics:
I noticed today, during the test, that a lot of you struggled with the final question. We will review the test in great detail after I finish correcting it. If the results are unfavourable as a class, we will review the material in more detail, and strive to do better next time.

To my Grade 12 Math:
Please finish pgs. 127 & 128 all the questions. I will be collecting your work tomorrow.

Have fun and love Math!

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Hello students

If you are interested on joining the WE day concert, there are a few things you must do to be ready. You must write a paragraph explaining how you would help St. Jude’s Academy, and local and global communities. Please submit to Ms. Kerr or Mr Palumbo. You must also be a part of the WE club.

To my Grade 11 Physics

Good luck for the test tomorrow, I am sure you all we do well.  You guys have prepared all year for this moment (I know the year has only begun, but the statement is still true.) The test will only cover kinematics, which I know you are all aware of.

To my Grades 11 and 12 Math

Another test down, congrats on your future success. Please take a well deserved mental break (not the ones in Physics, you guys have to study). I noticed that some of you were sick, try to get some rest. Your physical health is just as important as the knowledge you get from me. So try to not push yourselves too hard, that’s my job.

Have fun and love Math!

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Hello students

Today we prepared for the up and coming test for Physics Grade 11, Math Grade 11, and Math Grade 12.  Good luck to all of you. You have to study hard and have showed me that you guys are ready. I will consider your sample questions while writing your test.

To my grade 7 French

Today we did a formative test on French verbs conjugation. I realize that the experience was a bit tough for some. However, now you know my expectations during test assessments. I hope this experience will steel your resolve to do better in my class. You guys are a smart and capable bunch; it is time to show that your work is on par with your intelligence.  

Monday 26 September 2016

Hello students

Good luck to our DECA students who are going out and showing the world what St Jude’s Academy can do.  Due to their absences, most of the classes that are schedule for today were modified. The students that remained had a chance to review their work. No new material was covered so those that were absent did not lose any educational learning.

Have fun and love Math

Sunday 25 September 2016

Hello students

Hope you guys had fun and learned a lot about planning your up and coming future. Selecting a university is an important decision that will affect your life for the foreseeable future. I hope that the field trip has edified you in your future endeavours and you got a lot of free stuff.

To my grade 7 French

Please practice the verbs - you will be tested on your knowledge next class. You will be tested on avoir, etre, er, ir, and re conjugation in a sentence format. (In a fill in the blank format). Study well students.

Have fun and love Math

Thursday 22 September 2016

Hello students
Good luck to the mock trial participants, hopefully you beat your opponents to the ground. Please don’t forget if you want to be part of the rock band, please sign up. The signup sheet is on the myp message board.

To my Grade 12 Physics

We reviewed your lab experiment, and where we can improve on the methodology and approach. Also we had begun working on dynamics, and the various elements within.

To my Grade 11 Math

We discussed which day we are going to have the math test, which will be on the Wednesday, and the Physics will be on Thursday so that there will be no conflict with both tests.

To my Grade 12 Math

Today we worked on math problems base on IROC and AROC.  The test for that class is going to be on Wednesday. Therefore if you have any questions, please let me know.

To my Grade 8 French

Today we talked about French as a culture and not just a class. We learned about the Franco- Ontarian Flag and listened to some French songs. Remember that you guys must translate and describe what the song means to you.

Have fun and love Math

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Hello students

Today we talked about how to write a proper lab report. Please use this knowledge to the best of your abilities to create a successful report in the future. Also I would like to extend a hello to two new students, to Lucas whom has joined the purple homeroom and Ali whom has joined my Grade 11 Math and Physics classes.

To my Grade 11 Physics

Today we started the review for the test that will be based on the materials of chapter one. The test will be on day seven, so it should be on the Thursday. All questions will be addressed for the next class so please have some prepared. Anything in chapter 1 is fair game for testing, so please be prepared.

To my Grade 11 Math

Today we worked on multiplying and dividing rational expressions. Please remember to mention the impossibilities. Please note that we are coming near the end of this chapter, and as a result the test for chapter two will be happening soon. We will discuss the date next class.

To my Grade 12 Math

Today we learn how to interpret graphs into real life events and vice versa. Please share your creation with other students and compare your graphs.

To my Grade 7 French

Today we worked on pronouns. It is important that you guys have a clear understanding of which pronoun replaces which noun. We will be using that skill very often throughout the year. You guys must take better care of your books, you are responsible for them Do not lose them or take someone else’s book.

Have fun and love Math

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Hello students,
Let me begin by reminding my homeroom students that it was our day to clean up. Ms Sy (rival home room) was doing duty today and said that none of my guys cleaned. As a result, we lose 8 points….that puts at negative -3… Come on guys we can do better!

To my Grade 11 Math

Today we worked on simplifying rational functions. Try to remember that you are looking for common factors between the numerator and the denominator, to simplify out. Don’t forget the values that are not possible. Homework is p.112 even numbers.

To my Grade 12 Math

Today we took a harder look at estimating the instantaneous rate of change and the meaning of the values. For some reason I gave you guys a mere one question to work on p.92 #3.  It took the most of you the entire class to work on it. For those who are not finished, please do so.

To my Grade 12 Physics 

Hopefully you guys have figured out how to solve the problem that has been given to you. The lab report will be due at the beginning of the next class. Thus, you have two days to complete the report, I do not accept excuses. If you fail to hand it in at that time I will not grade it. It is your responsibility, no exceptions.

Monday 19 September 2016

Hello students, parents and guardians
Today we had a Terry Fox presentation to encourage our student body to start fundraising against cancer. Please help in any way you can in this endeavour.

To my Grade 12 Math

Today we looked at how to estimate the instantaneous rate of change. Please remember that I will be picking up your homework tomorrow; therefore, make sure to have it completed for me to review. 
Homework is page 85 # 1,3,7

To my Grade 7 French

Today we worked on our presentations. The students came up with the name of their restaurants, slogans and their signature dishes. Make sure you complete the next two pages of the photocopies I gave you.

To my Grade 11 Math

Today we reviewed factoring; we went over the various type of factoring with polynomial numbers. For homework, I want you to do Page 107 #2,5,6,7,9
To my Grade 11 Physics

Today we looked gravity and it effects and affects on objects. Remember that gravity is 9.8 m/s/s. If you did not finish the work in class please finish it for next class.

Have fun and love math

Thursday 15 September 2016

Hello Students, Parents and guardians

Today was the barbecue; I hope everyone had lots of fun interacting with the various members of the staff. It was a great pleasure to meet you all. Looking forward to any communication you may need to have with me. In the future, feel free to email me at klee-guide@stjudesacademy.com . Unless you are one of my students come, see me live. My classroom is always open for your questions, problems, advice or praise.

For my Physics grade 11

Today we worked on the five main equations of motion and how it applies to various problems. We will expand on this knowledge next class.

For my French grade 7

Today we worked on common words used in a classroom setting. I expect you guys to no longer use those English words in the classroom. Show me that you can excel in the French language. Don’t forget to do the first two pages in the hand out (no more than that please).

For my Math grade 12

We are now learning about AROC and how we determine the slope of a curved line at any given point. Most of you were done your work in class, for does that weren’t please finish in time for tomorrow.

Have fun and love Math

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Hello students, parents and guardians,

I am excited to meet those who are coming to the barbecue tomorrow. Feel free to speak to me about any questions you may have concerning the Math, Physics, and French courses that I am teaching.

To my Math Grades 11 and 12
Hope you all did well in you first test of the year. You should be all proud of the hard work that you have done in preparation for the test. We will be starting new material tomorrow, so please take a moment and relax.  You deserve it. 

To my Physics Grade 12
No relaxation for you, please finish the questions on p. 40 #1 to 4. Remember that the mass of an object has no bearing on the acceleration during free fall. Work together.

Have fun and love Math,


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Hello students,
To my Math grade 12 and grade 11 classes, Good luck for the test tomorrow!
To my homeroom team purple, be ready to take down Ms Sy (soon to be last place homeroom team orange). We will be playing a game called Codenames, for all of our homeroom points. Please remember to bring in your orders for the barbecue and key FOB tomorrow for me to see.
For my French class
Don’t forget to come and see me as soon as possible with your finished work. This way you and your team can pick which positions your team gets in the presentations. Just as a reminder,  you must answer question on page five and define les mots-cles.

Monday 12 September 2016

Happy Eid to those who celebrate, Happy Monday to everyone else!

Just a few announcements, we are having a  welcome back barbecue on September 15th, The form for the event is with our students and/or sent via an email. Please fill in the form and hand it in by September 14th.

For my Grade 12 Math
We worked on piecewise functions and inverse functions. Tomorrow we will be reviewing the unit in preparation for the test on Wednesday. Make sure you prep with questions.

For my Grade 11 Math
We worked on graphing functions using transformations. Tomorrow we will be reviewing the unit in preparation for the test on Wednesday. Please make sure you prep with questions.

For my Grade 12 Physics
We reviewed trigonometric equations and how they apply to Physics. Please complete pg 29 #1-12 for Wednesday.

Have fun and love Math


Friday 9 September 2016

Hello students
Hope you had a fun Spirit Dress Up Day! I know I did, with my purple Batman shirt. The purple homeroom ROCKS! Mister Pebbles, our purple rock mascot, felt ignored today. So please take the time to say hello.

For my Grade 11 Physics:
We worked on definition of Physics and  elements of the kinematic unit. We focused on the difference between distance and displacement, vector and scalar.

For my Grade 11 Math:
We explored transformations of parent functions, the affect that variables can have on the function. Do not forget the homework question on page 60.

For my Grade 12 Math
We completed the table of the parent functions that you are going to use through out the year. Then we worked on parent functions and the transformations that can be applied to it. Homework will be page 35 #1-13 odds.

For my Grade 7 French
Today we worked on the verb etre in present tense as a refresher from the previous year. We will be working on  some more sentence structures in the next few classes.

Have a great weekend, and love Math (French too),

- Mr. Lee-Guide

Thursday 8 September 2016

Hello students, parents and guardians

Just a reminder that there is pizza available in the cafeteria for 2 dollars a slice. Some of our students need combination locks for their lockers. Parents please make sure that the lock they are using are not key locks. Students make sure that your homeroom teachers are aware of your combination.

For grade 11 Math

Today we talked about function notation, how to write functions. What are parent functions, with a few examples, and how to determine the domain and range of a function.
Homework for today consists of p.35 question 1-3, 9, 12, 14.

For grade 12 Math

Today we talked about absolute functions, and the properties of graph of functions. For homework, please complete the function table on page 25

For grade 12 Physics

Today we talked about kinematics, Newton’s laws and the five key equations for uniformly Accelerated Motion. Don't forget to finish Practice question 1-6 AS A TEAM for next class.

Have fun and love math!

Mr. Lee-Guide

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Welcome all students to the first day of classes. Today we went over rules and classroom expectations.

Grade 11 Functions:
Today we went over the definitions of functions, domain, range, and relation. We also discussed examples of functions and relations.
Homework: Pg. 10 Questions 1-14. Due tomorrow.

Grade 12 Advanced Functions
Today we reviewed the definition of functions, and some classifications of functions.
Homework: Pg. 11 Questions 1-13. Due tomorrow.

Grade 11 Physics
Sorry we didn't get a lot of time today, due to homeroom activities and orientation, but rest assured, we will be diving into Physics on Friday!
Homework: no homework tonight!

Grade 7 French
Today we discussed global context, and IB learning goals. We also practiced our oral French.
Homework: no homework tonight!

It was so nice meeting you all today. I hope we can all learn a lot from each other this academic year. I hope you all had a great first day!

See you next class,

-Mr. Lee-Guide

Friday 26 August 2016


Hello all students and families!

The first day of school is coming up, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Mr. Lee-Guide, and I will be teaching DP Physics and Mathematics, as well as Grade 7 French.

I am very excited to meet all of you. I hope to share my passion for Mathematics, Physics, and French, and inspire students to get excited about discovering, comprehending, and applying new ideas.

I will be using this blog to post quick reviews, assignments, homework, important dates, and any other information throughout the school year.

Some important dates to remember:

Wednesday, August 31: Orientation Night 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 7: First day of classes

Homeroom student lunch forms and signed student handbook contracts can be handed in on orientation night, or the first day of classes.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at: klee-guide@stjudesacademy.com

See you all on Wednesday!

-Mr. Lee-Guide