Monday 17 October 2016

Hello Students

To my French students, good work today. Today we covered articles and expectations we have for your presentations that are due next class. I am very excited to see what you guys have created. We Read The Little Prince and talk about what happen in the second chapter. Here is where the prince wanted our pilot to draw him a sheep. Do you guys think it was clever how he was able to resolve the issue by drawing a box?

To my grade 11
Next class will be your first lab. Good luck. I hope you feel comfortable with lab reports. If you need any further explanation, feel free to ask tomorrow or in the lab. I want to make sure that you are clear on how to write one, because that is what I am grading you on as your summative for this unit
Good luck for the test tomorrow, you guys should be fine. You all know what to do. There will be no true or false or multiple chose on this so please make accommodations for your studies.

To my grade 12
We are going to work on factoring larger polynomial functions. This will take time and effort on your part. I will go over it as slowly as needed. There is lots of work that will be needed to do. We will go over it in great depth tomorrow.

Have fun and love Math.

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